Adrienne Koziol
Mar 12, 2021


This was monumental to me. I see so much on how to change a negative self-image, but I always think, “What if those negative things are true?” It seems stupid to tell yourself you’re fine if you’re really not. I don’t want to lie to myself. This means I turn every interaction into a reflection of myself. I’ve realized I use everything that people say or do (or don’t say or do) to try and gauge myself, to figure out how people really see me. It’s exhausting and always negative. It never ooccurred to me that I might find the truth (and not just make myself feel better) by removing the negativity.

Good article.



Adrienne Koziol

If I felt more creative, I'd figure out a way to use up 160 words describing my life as a wife, mom, editor, and writer.